Wednesday May 22, 2019
Words Have Power
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
The words you choose bring you happiness or blues. You get to decide what your experience of the world is. In today’s daily enlightenment I will take you through a very simple recontextualization to help you create an empowering reality.
Daily Enlightenment Ep.232
Download the hidden motive release meditations here as my gift to you http://www.MatthewFerry.com/motives
Consider joining the conversation in our Spiritual Hooligan Facebook group.
Intention For Enlightened Consciousness:
- Please set the intention for enlightened consciousness to flow through.
- To experience the purity of consciousness.
- To know that all is well.
- To embrace life, people, and circumstances exactly as they are.
- Please set the intention to release my need for things to be different.
- To practice total and complete acceptance of all people, in all situations, at all times; Including myself.
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